This privacy statement was published (translation of the original statement in norwegian pub. 20.03.2019) on 22.12.2022


1. Introduction

The privacy statement states how Melbu Systems AS gathers and uses personal information.
Melbu Systems AS (CEO) is responsible for the company’s processing of personal information.
The statement contains information required by law (personopplysningsloven § 19) when gathering information from Melbu Systems AS’ web page ( and general information about the use of this information (personopplysningsloven § 18 1. ledd).
This statement states when and why Melbu Systems AS is gathering personal information, how we use the information about users on our website and how we ensures this informations safety. The personal information is information or assessments that can be traced back to you personally.
Vi also ensures that nobody gets access to information that they should not have.
IT-safety is for us at Melbu Systems AS of great importance and that’s why we have high demands for both our self and our partners when it comes to the IT-tools we use.

2. Information gathered by forms on our website

Information gathered by contact forms on is passed on to a relevant employee within the company. The purpose of this gathering of information is to be able to contact and respond to inquiries and for possible future communication. Personal information that is gathered is name, email-address, phone number and company name. The legal basis for processing personal information in this case is GDPR regulation Article 6, first paragraph b.

3. Website analytics and cookies

For at Melbu Systems AS til enhver tid skal kunne forbedre kvaliteten på nettstedene og de tjenester som tilbys innhenter vi bruksmønster til de som besøker sidene. Eksempler på hva statistikken gir oss svar på er følgende; hvor mange som besøker sidene, hvor lenge besøket varer, hvilke nettsteder brukeren kommer fra og hvilken nettleser som benyttes.
In order for Melbu Systems AS to be able to improve the quality of the websites and the services offered at all times, we collect usage patterns of those who visit the pages. Examples of what the statistics give us are the following; how many people visit the page, how long the visit lasts, which websites the user comes from and which browser is used.
Melbu Systems AS uses the anlaytics tool Google Analytics for this purpose.
Google Analytics uses cookies which is small temporary files stored on your device when visiting a website. The files are automatically deleted after a given amount of time or when the webpage you are on closes.
In order to safeguard privacy, the information is anonymised so that the information cannot be traced back to a single person. This is done by using IP anonymisation in Google Analytics where the last three digits of the IP address are removed before the information is stored and processed by Google. Read more about this. Information received is subject to Google’s privacy policy.
You can decide for yourself whether you want to accept or refuse consent to the storage of cookies. At you can see how you can manage this yourself (norwegian website)

4. Disclosure of information to third parties

 Melbu Systems AS does not disclose any personal information to third parties with the exception of situations when it is relevant for the inquiry or a signed collaboration agreement. 

5. Data processing agreements

Nettrakett AS is our data processor development and maintenance supplier of

6. How long we store information about you

We store your personal data as briefly as possible and only for as long as is necessary. Or as long as we are required to store it by law and as long as we have a relationship with your company.
In any case, we will store information for as long as is required by law, and where a special need arises. e.g. in the case of complaints or claims directed at us or by us.

7. Your rights

As a user of our website, you have the right to demand access to personal data that we process about you and how it is processed. You can also demand correction, deletion and restriction of the processing of personal data.
Where the processing of personal data is based on consent, you can withdraw consent at any time.
You also have the right to complain to a supervisory authority, here “Datatilsynet” (the norwegian data protection authority), in accordance with GDPR article 13 second paragraph letter d). Contact information for the Norwegian Data Protection Authority can be found at

8. Changes to the privacy statement

Periodically, there will be a need to update or change the privacy policy, and this will be done on this website.