Product Development

Species indentification and weight estimation of fish

Several of our vessel customers are requesting options for assessing catch based on species and weight. This is important for the catch log. We are currently developing both harqware and software to be able to accomplish this.
Through the EU-project SMARTFISH H2020 we are developing a scanner that so far has shown promising results. The scanner has been tested on cod, polloc and more. Remaining work is gathering data on remaining species (haddock, catfish, ling, etc.) so that the scanner can identify and consistently delivere correct results over time.
Read more about SMARTFISH H2020 here.

Automatic sorting, counting and weight estimating of living cod

This project is supported through FHF and is developed in collaboration with SINTEF Ocean, Gunnar Klo, Egga Utvikling and NOFIMA
Tests have been performed on living cod. The tests showed very promising results on total weight estimation and fish count while individual weight estimation still needs refining.

Automated defrosting and storage for fish with temperature regulation

We have installed a full service solution for defrost and storage tanks for a customer. The facility is running and performing very well.
This project was accepted for a Norwegian tax reduction reasearch project (SkatteFUNN 2020)
Some of the most important results from the project:
A streamlined defrost and storage system for blocks of frozen fish. The system is also applicable for storage and distribution of fresh fish. Execution and adjustments are done on user friendly touch screens. 
The defrosting part of the system consists of to water tanks where ice blocks are automatically distributed and defrosted. Each tank has a capacity of 4 metric tons. Transporting of defrosted fish fram defrosting to storage is done in a system of pipes using fluid mechanics. 
The subsystem for storage consists of water tanks where defrosted (or fresh) fish is automatically distributed. Each tank has a capacity of 6 metric tons. Transportation of fish from storage to the next part of processing done in a system of pipes using fluid mechanics.